



Colorholic Gossip 品牌設計服務


Colorholic Gossip 是一間位於香港的品牌推廣公司,服務範疇包括品牌包裝設計、APP開發、平面設計、商業插畫、廣告推廣、網站設計與開發、 推廣文案、網店開發、攝影、宣傳片製作等等,入選  DIP III 設計創業培育計劃公司2017、 大灣區創業孵化計劃2019 及  樂風成就您想創意創業計劃2018-2019 – 十強得獎者

Colorholic Gossip provide Creative Idea, Quality Design & Efficient Service to our valuable clients. We believe branding is the core of a business. Our services included Character Licensing, Branding, UI/UX development, Animation and Graphic production. From concept development, brand strategy to visual production, we provide a comprehensive and perfectly customized marketing package for our clients. Our mission is to invert creation which does not consist of aesthetic visual but most importantly a strong and clear message delivered by eye-catching and colorful approach. We are sure advertising is a very effective way to raise brand awareness and hence increase sales. Colorholic Gossip is one of the incubated companies of Design Incubation Programme,  Incubation GBA Programme and Lofter Startup Achiever Competition 2018-2019 – Top Ten.




  1. Behance 作品集:
  2. 官網:



Plump Planet 多肉小星球 (IP)

我們創造以多肉植物為設計原形的「多肉小星球」角色授權系列。Plump是飽滿的意 思,即使星球環境多麼艱難,多肉星球的居民仍然會不斷努力過生活,像多肉植物一 樣有堅強及不屈不撓的精神,保持熱情的心去追求夢想,給人溫暖、治療、快樂的正 能量。多肉星球曾獲得CWHK44 原創Character設計大賽優異獎 (第2名) 及 Indigo Design Award 角色設計銀獎。


The idea of Plump Planet is coming from succulent plants. Succulents have the ability to thrive and survive under water-deficient environment such as desert. Plump Planet citizen face different difficulties every day, such as working and study pressure, but they always try hard and use their clever to solve problems, as same as the spirit of Hong Kong People”. Plump Planet citizen always keep the enthusiasm to pursue their dreams and promote the spirit of perseverance. This brand receive award from CWHK Character Design Award and Indigo Character Design Sliver Award. 


  1. Introduction Character Design PPT:
  2. Product Display - Pinkoi:
  3. Facebook:



PlanetCraft 植創工房 (企業活動平台)

活動籌劃平台「PlanetCraft 植創工房」支援學校、團體及企業策劃各類型的社區考察及藝術活動,我們 歡迎與不同公司、機構、學校等合作開辦 #日式和果子 #和諧粉彩 #多肉 #環保 #皮 革 工作坊。我們已舉辦多場工作坊,合作機構包括如理工大學、大學香港耀能中心 、路德會長青群康中心及招商證券國際有限公司等。品牌「植創工房」曾於2016年獲得「賽馬會社創培育計劃」 及 社聯 Social Impact 資助機構。 


PlanetCraft is a Studio specializing in making all sorts of wagashi (Japanese Sweets), Pastel Nagomi Art and Succulent Bonsai located in Hong Kong. If you would like to learn how to make different types of art piece more in depth, this would be the ideal place.This brand receive award from Jockey Club Innovation Program 2016 and Social Impact Progamme. 


  1. Workshop:
  2. 活動資料:




Contact person: Rita Lin


Tel: 95867846




company website:
