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Novus Penetralis Limited
In classical Latin, “Novus Penetralis” means merging great ideas with extraordinary design. Established since 2004, Novus Penetralis is an interior architectural firm that brings imagination to life. With business across Hong Kong and China, we are a team of top-notch creatives and designers who are not afraid to cross new boundaries. And in a culture built on innovation, collaboration and performance, we strive to create a better future, while building a legacy that can be passed on to tomorrow’s designers.
“Novus Penetralis”源自拉丁文,意味著每一位設計師都要勇于創新。Novus Penetralis於2004年成立,擁有優秀的創作團隊,致力把創意變成現實。我們的業務遍布大中華,以大膽前衛的設計推動未來發展,把傳統和現代經典融合在一起。多年來,爲多間跨國企業及社會名流打造多間頂級餐廳、住宅、零售商鋪、商業辦公室及樣板房,把空間的實用性發揮得淋漓盡致。
Contact Person: Lena Li / Dorothy Chan Tel: 31066069 Email: lena@novusp.com / dorothy@novusp.com Website: http://www.novusp.com/ |